Let's get acquainted. My name is Danil Shchutsky, and I am a Laravel fan :) I am 35 years old. Since childhood, I chose the profession of a developer and received a higher technical education. I’ve been doing web development for 13 years now, and have worked my way up from layout designer to senior backend developer. Currently, I advise large teams of developers, teaching them how to work with high-load projects, build complex architecture and interaction. I record Laravel lessons for beginners and more. I work with Laravel almost every day, I know it inside and out, but I still continue to learn, constantly exploring new features of this cool PHP framework. I believe that learning is endless, and that’s wonderful! I have extensive practical experience and knowledge in Laravel development. It took me a lot of time to reach this level! I’m ready to teach you, and at the same time I’ll help you save time (which means money) and nerves! I love sharing my knowledge and I see my mission as popularizing Laravel. I am developing a Russian-speaking community using Laravel - CutCode. Since the beginning of 2021, I have been sharing my experience on the YouTube channel on web development on Laravel, which already has more than 10,000 subscribers. You can watch my video tutorials - youtube.com/c/cutcoderu, and we communicate in telegram - t.me/laravel_chat