Online store on Laravel - advanced course on learning Laravel!
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Course short description
Advanced techniques for using Laravel using the example of an online store. Learn powerful Laravel development tools with CutCode's flagship course. Best practice backend development using the example of an online store on Laravel. Learn to work professionally, using all the capabilities of the best PHP framework.
Who is this course for?
- You have been studying Laravel for several years and have not yet Do you fully understand all its capabilities?
- Already know the basics of Laravel and want to progress quickly?
- Then this course is for you!
Online store - this is one of the most common tasks, by studying which you will master the practical skills that are necessary in your work!
But an online store is just a training ground, at the end we will not get a turnkey project, but an understanding of how to make an online store.
We will not waste time on easy basics tasks, and let's concentrate on studying a professional approach to solving problems - the best and modern Laravel practices! If you do not understand the basics of Laravel, then it will be very difficult for you and you may fall behind the general group.
The course is divided into 8 stages, in each of which:
- Basic lesson - we carry out the task of implementing a specific part of the online store, we get a working code!
- A lesson with answers to questions that arose during the implementation of the basic lesson, we consider the shortcomings of the implementation, we reason, we think what can be done to correct the situation.
- Advanced lesson covering other options for solving a problem, finding errors, optimization, refactoring, testing and applying design patterns
After completing the course you will learn:
- State pattern
- Adapter
- Factory
- Factory method
- Template method
- Facade
- Middleware
- Pipeline
- Value Objects
- < /ul>
- Topics
- Debugging (Sentry, Debugbar, Telescope)
- Sending emails
- SQL optimization queries
- Tests
- Working with Exceptions
- Migrations, factories, seeds, models
- Relationships
- Authentication< /li>
- Socialite
- Scout
- Query builder
- Cache
- Scopes
- Pagination
- Traits
- Pipelines
- Session
- FormRequests
- States
- Action classes
- Middleware
- Console Commands
- Events
- Queues
- Notifications
- DB transactions
- Collections
- Casts/Accessors/Mutators
- Rules
- Uuid
- < p>