Hi! This is Mikhail Smarshchok from the System Design Interview YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/c/SystemDesignInterview). I am a software engineer with a passion for learning, teaching and mentoring. Having over 15 years of industry experience, last 9 years I worked on building scalable, highly available and low latency distributed systems. For a long time, I have wondered what is the best way to learn system design. While there are many excellent resources for learning individual concepts, few provide a holistic view of how to design systems. And even after you've invested a lot of time and gained a lot of knowledge, it's still hard to develop true system design thinking. Thinking that helps answer questions like: where to start my design; where to go next; how to break this big obscure problem into sub-problems that I know how to solve; and even if I don't know the answer, can I make an educated guess? So I challenged myself to create a course that can help build and improve system design thinking. And two years later, you can see the result of this work.