In 2010, we started our work as regular courses. We were like everyone else: good programs, practicing teachers, a stream of students. The training center developed. Yes, then we just made programs, took good teachers, those "read the hours" and the students received diplomas. Then we did everything the same as other training centers, and did not know what we could do differently. Then, having already 2 years of experience, we felt that something was wrong - despite the fact that we competed well with other courses, only 50-60% of graduates achieved results. And this was considered a good indicator among training centers. But, just think about it, HALF of people who invested time and money in such courses did not get results! People lose motivation, they are taught not what the real market needs, then graduates do not know how to find a worthy place with the knowledge gained. As a result, people go to classes only for a diploma ... Probably, you can immediately remember people who took some courses, and it gave them nothing but a beautiful "piece of paper". Maybe you yourself are familiar with this ... We saw that the problem was in the wrong courses. The problem is deeper - in the very system of standard training: "typed-weaned-forgotten." This approach does not give the desired result. And we decided to prevent a similar situation in our training center. This is how SkillUP began ...