Microservices on Spring Cloud
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Course short description
A practical course where you will create a microservice architecture based on a project using all popular technologies (Spring Cloud, Config, Eureka, RabbitMQ, GitHub etc.)
This is a new approach to the development of large projects (as opposed to the old approach, which is called a “monolith” - a single application)
In microservices you break down all the functionality into micro-applications that operate on a common bus (Spring Cloud) and interact with each other.
Now this is the most popular architecture for creating large applications with great functionality.
Nowadays many companies realized that microservices are in trend: they provide flexibility in development, speed in software updates, the right team approach and much more.
These are ready-made libraries and technologies that allow you to create microservice applications quickly and easily.
You will only need to connect the necessary directions and implement business logic.
The rest is dirty " Spring will do the work for you.
If you are used to old development methods (monolith) and you are satisfied with everything, then you can don’t study microservices (you definitely won’t be left without a job).
But if you want to keep up with the times, then you definitely need to learn how to work with Spring Cloud and its internal projects. Then you will be on top for many years to come.
Microservices for beginners on Spring Cloud?
It’s possible study everything on your own and spend a lot of time on it. Or you can take ready-made material and step-by-step create a project from scratch using all the necessary Spring Cloud technologies.
Therefore, a special course in Russian was created for you (perhaps the only one in RUNET in such a volume).