Ask Great Questions That Get Great Answers Quickly
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To succeed as a software engineer, it is necessary to quickly assimilate a vast amount of information. But even after you have absorbed it, the learning process does not end - throughout your career, you will have to continue absorbing new knowledge because the technology industry is constantly changing, and what is considered best practice today may easily become outdated in 5 years.
To become a "super sponge" for information, you will have to ask a lot of questions and actively seek support from those around you. There is no way around this. However, many engineers fear that asking questions might make them appear foolish, and you know what? There is some truth to that.
But it's not the whole truth. Yes, if you ask low-quality questions, it can indeed undermine trust in you and damage your reputation within the team. However, if you ask questions correctly, this will never happen. If you are afraid of asking questions, let's fix this. We will not only eliminate the fear of looking bad, but also ensure that your questions help you appear even better as an engineer. After completing this course you will:
- Develop the right mindset for asking questions
- Turn questions into your advantage rather than a weakness
- Learn to distinguish high-quality questions from low-quality ones
- Ask excellent technical questions
- Learn to effectively ask for help
The job of a software engineer is incredibly complex - you simply cannot thrive in the tech industry without support. With the advice from this course, you will no longer be afraid to seek it.