Dub Dub Grub. An intermediate SwiftUI course with MapKit and CloudKit.
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Course short description
Level up your SwiftUI skills .Get experience with MapKit & CloudKit *Working with CloudKit requires an Apple Developer account.
What will I learn in this course?
This course is designed to be the next step after my SwiftUI Fundamentals course. We build one big project in SwiftUI and MVVM (Model View ViewModel Architecture) while utilizing MapKit and CloudKit.
What skill level is required for this course?
As I mentioned, this course is the next step after my SwiftUI Fundamentals course so I assume basic Swift and SwiftUI knowledge. If you are an absolute beginner, I recommend completing my iOS Dev Launchpad and SwiftUI Fundamentals courses first. However, if you have a basic knowledge of Swift and SwiftUI, then you should be ok in this course.
Do I need a paid Apple Developer account?
Yes. In order to utilize CloudKit you will need an Apple Developer account. However, the CloudKit storage is free for development purposes and initial users.