Kotlin from scratch + Android application development
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Course short description
You will learn about how the programming language works, what variables and data types are. What are branches, functions, collections, loops, lambda expressions. Basic concepts of OOP: classes, objects, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism and why it’s all needed. Null-safety, exception situations, asynchrony, multithreading, kotlin coroutines. Where does all this have a place in real projects? Also get acquainted with Android development.
You will understand the structure of projects, learn how to work with activities, visual components, obtaining information from the server (rest api, json, retrofit library).
You will also learn where and how to look information. + learn to work in IntellijIDEA and Android Studio
More than 30 tasks on all topics, solving which you will really improve your skills. There are solutions to all problems (and in different versions). + video analysis of a large number of tasks.
This is a full-fledged course on Kotlin from scratch. Step by step. Details. Based on practical requirements and market demands. No water, no porridge in the head. Nothing extra. Lots of practical tasks focused on real cases. The course is based on my many years of experience in individual lessons with people
The kotlin language is a modern, powerful, universal, concise, multi-platform language. Within a few years, almost everyone in the Android world (and not only) switched to it. In many other areas of development, kotlin is also actively gaining popularity. This is primarily multi-platform development with the ability to write code simultaneously for iOS and Android, as well as back-end development