
Git - Git and GitHub Course


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Course short description

This course focuses on the core features of Git and GitHub. Learn how to use Git and GitHub: - Commits, branches, merges, GitHub and Git Objects. If these terms are new to you, become a student of this course and you will learn what Git is and how to use its main functions. Familiarize yourself with Git and GitHub so you can use them in your projects and projects you might potentially be involved in in the future.

This is a crash course on Git and GitHub that will give you a basic understanding of Git and GitHub. Additionally, through several hands-on exercises, you'll practice basic Git and GitHub features such as making commits, creating branches, and merging branches.

We'll start by installing Git and initializing a new Git repository. You'll learn that there are 4 types of objects in Git: files, trees, commits, and annotated tags. Each object has a unique SHA1 hash. Also, all objects are stored in folders. Each object has only one reference to it - the SHA1 hash. Files are stored in blobs. File names are stored in other Git objects called trees.

You'll learn how to make changes, stage them, and then commit them. You will also learn and practice how to observe a commit tree and check different commits to "time travel" between different states of a Git repository.

During this course, you will practice all the basic features of Git and GitHub .

In the practical sections, you will complete several hands-on Git tasks:

  • Initialize a new Git repository
  • Set up the author name and Git email
  • Make changes to the working directory, add them to the scope and commit

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  • Examine commit history
  • Check different commits
  • Create branches, merge branches
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  • Analyze the contents of Git objects

You will also learn and practice various GitHub features:

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Create a remote repository on GitHub

Connect local and remote repositories

Pull and push operations with a remote repository

Making changes to files directly on GitHub

You will perform all operations with Git in the Terminal - this the best way to get started with Git to better understand it.

In this crash course on Git and GitHub, you'll get lifetime access to over 50 lectures and tons of hands-on exercises. After the course, you will become a confident user of Git and GitHub and will be able to easily perform basic Git tasks.

Don't wait and join the course now!

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