Course on Vue.js 3 Practical guide from scratch to result
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Course short description
Master the new version of the trending framework in the course “Vue.js 3 - a practical guide from scratch to result!”
What you will learn
- Composition API. The most significant innovation in the new version is the Composition API. You will also learn the Options API so in the course we will write code in the Options and Composition API
- REST API. The entire modern web is built on APIs. Let's look at how to store and interact with data using the REST API, how to send and receive requests.
- UI and components. By properly dividing your code into components, you can reuse them in different parts of your application and any other applications
- Vuex. Actions, Mutations, State, Getters - everything for the correct storage of data and their further interaction.
- Reuse. Why write code twice? Let's learn how to write universal components that can be reused in any projects.
- Libraries. In addition to the vue application stack, we will go over the main libraries and technologies that will help in creating large applications.
- Optimization. The right approach to optimization at the initial stage greatly simplifies the work. Let's learn to understand when optimization is needed and how to apply it.