TypeScript Intensive
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Course short description
We are mastering TypeScript: a language that adds typing and a number of other useful features to JavaScript, techniques for effective and competent development in it.
TypeScript increases the efficiency and reliability of JavaScript development by adding typing. It is used as a basis in some modern frameworks such as Angular. But, if you look at the trends in modern development, TypeScript is actively used with other frameworks and environments, including React, Vue and even Node.js.
During our meetings, we will study in detail the real use of TypeScript, we will see in practice how to solve common problems. Let's start with writing simple functions and components, learn how to set up the environment, and talk about build systems. And we’ll finish with an application in TypeScript.
Main topics of the program
The intensive will take place over 2 days:
The first day is dedicated to basic topics: environment, quick start, typing, functions and classes, interfaces in TypeScript.
Second day - more advanced topics: code organization, decorators, integration of third-party libraries, additional tools.
Quick start. TypeScript ecosystem. Typing system.
In this block we will analyze the main ideas of TypeScript, why it is needed and why it is so important in development today. Let's learn how to write simple functions and components and find out what is the fundamental difference between TypeScript and other solutions. Let's look at the nuances of the typing system and the capabilities that TypeScript brings when we work with functions and classes.
- Quick start. Setting up the environment.
- Code quality control tools.
- Typing system.
- Functions in the context of ES6 through the prism of TypeScript.
- Classes in TypeScript their main differences from ES6.
- Patterns and their implementations in TypeScript.
Code organization. Working with libraries and frameworks. Testing
When we write real applications or test them, we use a number of third-party solutions and libraries, including regular JavaScript. We'll look at where and how to find type definitions for them and how to integrate them into a project. Let's write our own type definitions. We will also modularize the TypeScript project and examine a number of additional topics, such as the build system, decorators, reflection, etc.
- Type definitions - we write our own, look for and use third-party ones.
- < li>Modules and their implementation in TypeScript.
- Building with Webpack.
- Decorators and reflection. What is this? For what? Where?
- Applications with third-party libraries and frameworks, we analyze the server and client parts.
- Tests for the main parts of the application.