Understanding React | Don’t Imitate Understand
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Even if you've been using React for years, your mental model is likely inaccurate. That's because the best mental model is understanding how something really works.
React is wildly popular and well-established in the job market for web developers. However, to use and debug it well, you must understand how it actually works.
In this course, designed for both React beginners and experienced React devs you will come to deeply understand how React works under-the-hood by diving into React internals: the React source code itself.
Most courses teach you how to use React. In this course you will fully understand how React works, which will enable you to use and debug React well.
You will gain truly under-the-hood knowledge on topics such as the React Element Tree, the Fiber Tree, JSX, Rendering, Reconciliation, State, Hooks, Effects, Suspense, React Server Components, and more.
That knowledge will give you a clarity that will serve you well every day you use React, or React-based frameworks like Next.js or Remix.