Fundamentals of Frontend System Design
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Course short description
In the modern UI world, there are hundreds of frameworks and methodologies for building large-scale UI apps. However, most of these libraries and frameworks are based on core principles that recur across them. As UI specialists, we need to understand these fundamentals and how to apply them in building large and complex apps. This course is designed to dive one level deeper, going beyond frameworks and libraries. We are going to focus on the fundamentals of Frontend System Design using Vanilla JavaScript, the DOM, and Browser APIs, Design Patterns, and Networking Protocols.
- Learn how the Browser Rendering Mechanism works
- Explore how CSS Box Model Spec allows to scale and support different types of layouts
- Understand how Stacking, Formatting and Graphic contexts work together to optimize the performance of the UI
- Learn Core DOM API, which is used behind all popular libraries and frameworks
- Learn how to build popular UX Patterns (Infinite Scroll, Grid, Modal, etc) in a scalable way
- Learn different UI Architecture patterns
- Deep dive into Storing the data in the Browser and the ways to optimize it
- Learn more about HTTP Protocol and different ways to load the data on the UI depending on the use case
- Explore ways to optimize the performance of the application
- Design complex app from scratch, applying the knowledge from the workshop