Course on modern layout
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Course short description
A course on modern layout, the purpose of which is to make the layout process easy and understandable, to teach how to create components and avoid common mistakes.
HTML/CSS is a technology that is easy to master “at the top”, to learn the basics tags and properties, and you can create something right away. Many developers do this.
The purpose of this course is to teach not just properties, but the correct approaches to layout, including code organization, styles, compatibility with mobile devices, and much more.
We We also study the construction of the page as a whole and various interface components, the nuances of their creation and styling, which make them more convenient for users.
We will study numerous aspects of layout in the process of building a library of components.
The course is advanced, so it is better not to come with zero knowledge. Although it is possible from scratch, we will give the basics of layout before the course, in the introductory materials, they are simple, but you will need to look carefully.
The course is also suitable for Javascript developers and backend developers who want to improve their level understanding of layout, to be more competent in this area.