
Free To Speak Foundation


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We have created the Free To Speak Foundation course for those who want to learn to speak and understand the English language. It is suitable for those who are just starting to learn a language and for those who have already been teaching for a year, two, 15 years, all their lives, but still cannot speak and understand by ear.

Why exactly we will finally be able to teach Can you speak and understand English by ear?

Because we have developed a system that follows the path of language learning in childhood. And this path is based on three main principles.

1. Start verbally only, which means only speaking and listening at the initial stage.

2. Learn the language as a whole, and not as a set of separate lessons on topics.

3. And do all this only through correct practice. This is when you learn to build sentences only from your head, without any visual support, records, diagrams and tables.

Why is it so important to start learning this way?

Because the human brain is designed this way way that in order to speak any language, we need to absorb its basics orally, teach the brain to first pronounce and hear the language. This is how nature intended. And once the basic structure is clearly worked out and brought to automaticity in speech and hearing, you can connect reading and writing. This is exactly how we all learn our native language in childhood. And it is precisely because of this that there is not a single failure in learning one’s native language. Why do they start teaching a foreign language in a different way?

Yes, there are many exceptions in the language, but they need to be put aside until they are perfected. First you need to understand how the database works. And it exists in any language. And we practice it until it becomes automatic on an oral basis in childhood.

It’s easier for you to tell a child in childhood. Why did you decide? What can children tell us: is it difficult or easy for them to learn a language? I can say for sure that nothing is easy for a child. This is a very long and labor-intensive process. We, adults, have a number of huge advantages in learning a foreign language, in contrast to a child learning his native language in childhood. Here's why:

Firstly, we already speak one language perfectly.

Many say that it is better to learn a foreign language without relying on Russian, by immersion. Yes, it sounds tempting, of course. Immediately start thinking in English. But for some reason, thousands of people who live permanently abroad cannot speak the language of their country of residence. A child under about 7 years old can still do this, but it is very difficult for an adult to do this; he needs targeted training. The Russian language will always interfere with your foreign language learning. So why pretend that we don't know him. You just need to make sure he helps. How to do it? Give short, clear and understandable explanations in Russian. Not lectures, but short and clear explanations. And everything else is practice - constructing real, life-like sentences out loud.

Secondly, we are adults and are able to think logically, generalize and compare information. This is incredibly helpful in learning languages ​​if these adult abilities are used correctly. Then you won’t need cramming, you just need to be able to work with human logic. Direct his training so that he himself draws conclusions and makes connections. And as soon as this happens, the human brain will immediately love such learning and begin to remember the information.

Thirdly, we do not need to start learning only by listening and absorbing the language, as children do in the first year of life. We can start talking right away. After all, we can be explained how to say what and where, we can think logically, and we already have experience in learning one language. An infant cannot do this. Therefore, he spends a whole year listening and learning to use his voice in general. Only then does he begin to speak. We don't need all this anymore. Therefore, learning a language for an adult can be much faster and easier than for a child in childhood.

So, based on all these observations, on scientific discoveries in the field of human memory and brain function, we have created such a program, which teaches you to speak and understand by ear.

In 69 hours we will teach you to speak and understand the basic structure of the English language. What is this you ask? This is simple everyday English that native speakers use in speech on a daily basis: How are you? Where are you? Where did you go? What will you do? Why didn't she come? Am I going to visit? And so on.

Our problem, Russian speakers, is that we, without learning how to construct simple sentences, are trying to speak the language of Shakespeare. But this cannot be done. That's why we have so many failures in learning English. It is impossible to learn how to do a triple sheepskin coat without perfecting simple gliding on the ice. Every person on planet Earth goes through a stage of learning the basic structure of their native language during childhood. false,And it is precisely thanks to the successful completion of this stage at the very beginning that a person masters his native language perfectly in the future. Since there is a basis, a foundation that can be expanded and complicated. And if it doesn’t exist, as many people do now, then there’s nothing to work with. We immediately start reading the language, cramming, practicing, writing, whatever. And all this has nothing to grab onto in your head. This is how monkey work turns out.

And imagine you mastered the basics of the language orally. You can construct any simple sentences in all tenses without any problems. You can ask everyday questions and answer them. And all this is in your head, and not on paper in tables and lectures. Now that you have such an oral base, you can already work with it. Study interesting aspects of the language, unusualness and oddities, various expressions, and generally improve the language. Because now there is already something to improve. And it is precisely this path of learning English that will lead you to real speaking, and it is precisely this path that underlies our course:

Free To Speak Foundation is a 69-hour video course of spoken English, a full-fledged program for beginners, a course that will teach speak and understand you by ear in simple, everyday English. Please note, do not speak perfectly, no one can promise you this, believe me. We will work with you on the basic structure of the language and teach you to communicate and understand simple, everyday English.

Free To Speak Foundation is a truly unique program that has no analogues in RuNet. In Europe, this learning system has already won the hearts of people and many people study European languages ​​using the layering method. What is special about our education system? Why is it unique?

First! The technique we use is called the Layering technique. We literally layer the vocabulary and grammar of the language on top of each other, like a snowball, thus creating a complete picture in your head. We don't have lecture lessons, which you're probably already used to. Our training is 69 hours of continuous language training practice. We simply explain to you how to construct sentences in English and you do it right away, without long and tedious lectures. We literally go through the entire stage of mastering the structure of the English language, just as we do with our native language in childhood, only at an accelerated pace. After all, we are adults, we know how to think logically, compare and summarize information. We don't need years. We need a proper training system.

Second. We teach you only to speak and listen. With us you don’t need pens, notebooks, or textbooks, only your ears and speech apparatus. Remember a simple rule: what you train is what you train. If you write while studying, it means you are training your writing skill; if you are reading, you are training your reading skill. We want you to speak and understand by ear - that's exactly what we do, we talk and listen all the time.

Third. A team of two teachers. A Russian-speaking English teacher - Valentina and a native English speaker - Peter will work with you. Just imagine, you will be taught by a real English-speaking person, you will hear correct English from the very beginning. And, of course, clear, simple explanations in Russian will be understandable to absolutely everyone. It is this kind of team that allows us to convey the language to our students in full - a native speaker and a teacher.

Fourth! No lectures or exercises. Our video lessons are not the lecture lessons that you are used to seeing on the Internet. Where the teacher dumps a bunch of information on you for an hour, or even two, explaining verb forms, drawing diagrams, and, as always, everything seems to be clear, but I don’t know how to apply it! Our video lessons are practice where you learn to build sentences right here and now. Let me explain.

In the video we teach a real student, her name is Marina. Therefore, when you watch our video lesson, you get the feeling of live communication, as if we are all sitting in a room together and learning the language. You become our second student and do everything that Marina, our student, does. How? Due to built-in pauses. You press pause and say everything out loud before Marina does. Then you hear what she will say, the correct answer from Peter and explanations from Valentina. No lectures or exercises, just real application. This is how our brains like to learn languages. Imagine, we are training a real person, you will see him with your own eyes, this means we cannot fake our training. You can open the first video and listen to Marina trying to construct the most basic sentence and not doing it very well. And you can immediately open the last lesson 67 hours later, and listen to her speak there. It is impossible to fake anything with a real student on video.

Fifth. We don’t have cramming and mechanical repetition. Many people ask how to memorize words and grammar?That is it, through practice and repeated use in different sentences. You get acquainted with a new word and grammatical piece and immediately apply it. Do you remember the example with mom and the doll? We literally build the entire structure of language piece by piece. Throughout our training, we combine words and grammatical structures so that you can see how the same word works in different sentences. How the same grammatical construction works in different situations. And due to this, language comes to life and becomes a means of communication, and not a set of rules. In order to remember a word or expression, you need to introduce it into your speech at least 9 times, in different contexts and situations. This is exactly what we do with both vocabulary and grammar.

Sixth. We do not teach complex grammatical terms. If you learn a language through immediate application, then terms are not needed. You learn to intuitively understand what to say and where to say it, just like in your native language. You don’t think about conjugations and declensions when speaking Russian, really, well, I hope. Although, if you are a teacher, especially of the Russian language, then most likely you think. Here is the answer for those who need terms. To teachers. In order to more deeply understand the structure of the language and be able to convey it to the student. The student does not need terms, he needs real language. But why does everyone study them? Because this is how teachers themselves are used to working with language, from college. They themselves simply don’t know how to teach grammar without terms, well, they studied it that way themselves and simply cannot move away from this principle. So they teach you a bunch of unnecessary things, filling your brain with unnecessary useless information. And if it were just superfluous, then nothing. She's in the way. All these terms that you are trying to remember confuse and frighten you so much that you cannot open your mouth at all. Grammar must be learned through short, clear explanations and immediate application of these explanations in real sentences.

Seventh! You will also learn to read by the end of the training. During the entire training, you will construct and pronounce more than 8,000 sentences in English. And everything you say, by the end of the training you will be able to read. This is exactly how the adult brain works. And if you still haven’t learned to read English, it’s only because you don’t know how to speak it. A possible option is that I can read, but I can’t speak. This means you seriously pored over the rules of reading and crammed a lot. All this can be safely avoided by learning to speak first, and then read and write in a natural way.

Eighth. You are not tied to a place. Due to the fact that we only listen and speak, you can study anywhere and at any time. We divided the entire program into comfortable videos of 20-25 minutes. We have already said that we do not have lectures, so our division into “lessons” is purely formal, so that it is convenient for you to study. You stand in line, ride in a car as a passenger, during a break at work, in bed in the evening, when it’s convenient and where it’s convenient. Listen and speak.

Our program is the ideal start for all those who dream of speaking English. Our program is also ideal for parents who want to help their children with English homework. At the end of the course, your child’s English textbook will no longer seem like Chinese manuscripts. You can easily help your child with his homework. Sign up for trial lessons and start speaking now.

See you in class!

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