
Typelevel Rite of Passage


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Course short description

Build a Full-Stack Application with Scala 3 and the Typelevel Stack. Just as Scala has transformed the way we build applications with functional programming, the Typelevel stack is changing how we build strong, testable and provably correct APIs.

With a focus on functional Scala and a real world application, this course is a start-to-finish way to learn Full Stack Scala 3 with Cats, Cats Effect and friends.

Join me as I show you how to build a full stack jobs platform with the latest evolution of Scala and functional libraries.

What will you build?

Together we will build the Rock the JVM Jobs Board, a full stack online jobs platform with credit card integration. Users can create and manage their account, post and view jobs, and apply for them.

We will build the application from scratch, using a decoupled layered architecture on the backend, and an Elm-like architecture on the frontend with ScalaJS.

The app includes many server-side bits including authentication, permissions, sending email, uploading images, and charging credit cards. We have almost complete test coverage in the backend, and we develop some core modules with test-driven development (TDD).

The frontend is built as a single-page application, organized for for scalability if you want to add new pages or functional components.

For a full list of topics covered, see below.

"Real-Life" means Real-LIVE

I want to put my code where my mouth is.

The application that you learn to build in this course is fully deployed and live here:


Yes, it's a real jobs platform that I will personally use for my students at Rock the JVM!

If you're a company and want to promote your jobs to the Rock the JVM community, go ahead and use it!

And before you ask: yes, I'll teach you to do EVERYTHING from an empty dir to deploying on your own domain.

This isn't even a "project-based" course. You will learn to build a full-blown product that people can use and pay for. You can build your startup with what you learn in this course.

Typelevel is a set of Scala libraries for building robust, scalable and high-performance applications.

Say what?

The foundation for Typelevel is pure functional programming and Scala's unmatched type system. With these tools, we can let the Scala compiler work in our favor, so we can write more modular code and in the end become more productive and happier as developers.

We will use all major Typelevel tools and libraries in this course.

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