MERN 2024 Edition - MongoDB, Express, React and NodeJS
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Course short description
Welcome to the immersion in MERN Stack! This course will help you master all aspects of creating a full-featured "Jobify" application using MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js, regardless of your skill level.
Main Topics of the Course:
- Frontend with React: Create a React frontend application from scratch using VITE, add global styles, and create Landing, Error, Register, and Dashboard pages.
- Visual Design: Master creating professional and attractive interfaces using thoughtfully designed images and layouts.
- Routing with React Router 6.4+: Manage transitions and nested pages with React Router.
- Creating a Server Application: Dive into backend development with ES6 modules and use "nodemon" for rapid development.
- Database Management: Set up a cloud database with MongoDB using Atlas, and create routes and controllers for efficient data handling.
- Testing and Error Handling: Use Thunder Client for testing, set up error handling in Express, and use the "express-async-errors" package for simplified debugging.
- Security and Authentication: Hash passwords, implement JWT for secure authentication, and compare passwords to ensure user safety.
- Frontend and Backend Integration: Connect frontend with the server, use "concurrently" and set up a "proxy" in VITE for seamless integration.
- Advanced React Techniques: Implement protected routes, set up navigation with React Router 6, and logout functionalities.
- API Management: Use Axios to interact with APIs, set up JWT tokens, and various Axios configurations for efficient data retrieval and management.
- CRUD and Access Control: Implement full CRUD functionality, set up access rights, and understand creating and managing test data.
- Data Visualization and UI Enhancement: Set up informative charts and cards, implement search and filtering for user convenience.
- Pagination and Deployment: Master pagination and deploy a MERN application on Render for real-world usage.
This course will be your guide to the world of full-stack development using MERN, providing skills to create reliable and scalable web applications. Join us and become a professional MERN Stack developer!