Profession Python developer
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Course short description
A Python developer creates the backend of sites: the brain that receives requests, communicates with the database and transmits the necessary information to the user. The developer designs algorithms for the site’s interaction with other Internet services. You will learn the Python language: it is popular and simple. You will also master the most important backend tools: Django, databases, git. During the learning process, create several working services.
What you will get in the Workshop
In 9 months of training, 15 hours a week, you will master Python development skills and put together a portfolio. Here are the projects you will work on:
- Social network
You will learn how to interact with databases and create a feed of publications. Implement the ability to register and log into the site under your account and publish entries. You will immerse yourself in the backend of the service, leaving the interface rendering aside: let the front-end developer handle it.
- Bot Assistant
You will write a web application that will independently collect data on the Internet, and then notify the user about it.
- Grocery Assistant application
A site on which users will publish recipes, add other people's recipes to favorites and subscribe to publications of other authors. The Shopping List service will allow users to create a list of products that need to be purchased to prepare selected dishes.
Programmers teach programming
Mentors are python developers from Yandex and other IT companies. Some of them, like you, did not immediately choose their profession and also mastered it from scratch.