
Python developer


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Course short description

More than 400 hours of theory and practice, training in a real environment, 4 projects in a portfolio, a catchy resume, preparation for interviews.

The program meets the requirements for junior developer vacancies at Python

  • Write clean, stable code
  • Do authorization, payment, comments, filtering and use libraries in Python
  • Write servers for store, application, service or game
  • Develop complex service architecture
  • understand the industry and work in modern IT teams

Module 1

  • Introduction to the profession and the basics of algorithmization
  • Syntax basics
  • Lists and loops
  • Strings and dictionaries
  • Functions and modules, typical computing tasks
  • IDE and Python installation, Files
  • Immersion: collections and nesting, JSON, requests
  • Objects and classes, inheritance
  • Theoretical foundations of Computer Science

Module 2

  • Introduction to Flask, JSON format, introduction to HTML
  • Introduction to CSS, Flask Templates. First Application
  • Version Control System and Github / Online Publishing
  • Creating an API

Module 3

  • Databases and SQL Basics
  • SQL - keys, relationships, normal form and complex queries
  • SQL Alchemy
  • REST API on Flask< /li>
  • Testing Basics + API Autotesting

Module 4

  • OOP (Object Oriented Programming)
  • OOP (Object Oriented Programming) part 2
  • Advanced Python Tools
  • Advanced Python Tools part 2
  • Hosting and Server
  • Docker

Module 5

  • Introduction, sad and funny differences from Flask, Django Rest Framework, first models and first application.
  • Postgres, Models with relations and QuerySet
  • Serializers
  • Validators and views
  • Users: access control and role separation + tests
  • Documentation, Continuous Integration and Deployment

Module 6

  • Catalog: search, filtering, favorites
  • Catalog: multi-level catalog, catalog with tags
  • Online shopping: promotional codes, discounts
  • Online shopping: cart and orders
  • Work with users: Registration and authentication
  • Working with users: Users and profiles
  • Working with users: Roles and access control
  • Comments, messages, reviews and recommendations< /li>
  • Working with media: loading, processing, searching and deleting

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