
PHP8. Complete Guide


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Course short description

Master the language chosen by Google, Instagram, Facebook, VKontakte and NASA. PHP is still the “king” of the backend! 4 out of 5 of all websites on the Internet are built on PHP. PHP is used by 78.1% of all websiteswhose server-side programming language was installed*

* according to analytical agency w3techs.com as of January 15, 2022.

Research confirms: the potential of the PHP market is almost limitless

PHP 8 developers are still catastrophically few.< /strong>

After the release of the new 8th version of PHP, even a year later, there is a noticeable shortage of developers in the global BackEnd development market who have mastered the new amazing capabilities of PHP 8.

Market almost free, and the potential for earning and career growth is almost limitless.

5 reasons to start learning the PHP language in 2022

This the most popular server-side programming language in the world: as of January 15, 2022, 78% of all sites on the Internet use PHP!

The majority of CMSs are written in PHP, includingWordPress, which powers 42.8% of all websites in the world (WordPress's share of the global CMS market is 65.2%). 2/3 of the websites in the world are made on this engine. Therefore, if you responsibly study the course materials, you will be provided with work, and your level will be sufficient to take most of the orders.

PHP is in the TOP 12 most popular programming languages ​​(without reference to industry and platform) according to the TIOBE index.

Given the wild popularity and constant positive dynamics of growth in the number of sites on the WordPress engine, with knowledge of the PHP language It will be very difficult to remain without a highly profitable job or regular freelance orders in the foreseeable future.

Among all server-side programming languages, PHP has the most developed ecosystem (in relation directly to the BackEnd direction -development).

We have prepared a truly complete guide to PHP

Here you will find not only lessons on creating your own CMS, but also step-by-step a guide towriting your own framework.

It is by creating your own framework and your own CMS based on this framework that this course will be of interest primarily to novice web programmers.

Because writing your own software solutions is an invaluable practice for a novice developer.

Key innovations of PHP 8 are used

When writing both the framework and CMS will use the key innovations of PHP 8.

BeginnerPHP programmers can not only practice the theory of the language, but also get acquainted with the main innovations of the latest version 8 of the PHPlanguage.

Experiencedwebmasters can deepen and update their knowledge, get acquainted with the new capabilities that PHP 8 provides, significantly increasing speed and quality of BackEnd development in PHP.

A strong start for beginners

The course is especially interesting for beginning web programmers, since writing your own software solutions - this is invaluable practice for a beginner.

In the bonus part you will find a completely new premium course on the basics of PHP 8a course on object-oriented programming (OOP) in PHP, as well as a course on MySQL.

All three courses will be useful to you, since both the framework and the CMS from the main part of the course are written in PHP using OOP.

Almost all the lessons in the main and bonus parts contain handout material for easy self-testing and further use during the “real” development process.

What exactly will we be doing in the course

The first part of the course will show you how to create your own framework

The resulting framework you can use for further development, reducing the time for developing web applications, since the framework is , in fact, the framework of any web application.

The framework out of the box will already have a ready-made structure of the future site and a routerthat can work with both default routes and and with custom routing rules based on regular expression patterns.

Also, the framework will offer ready-made functionality for working with the database in the form of a connected ORM.

In the second part of the course, a CMS for an online store will be developed based on the written framework

And this CMS can also then be reused in developments. For example, if you don't needonline store, but you need a news site or a blog, then it will be enough to simply disable the cart, and you will already get a blog in which there will be an article instead goods, and product categories will automatically become article categories.

In the third part of the course, a CMS admin panel will be created

Repeating steps after the author,  You should have a functional and convenient admin panelthat will simplify the administration of the online store created on the basis of the CMS we are developing.

From the created admin panel you will be able to manage the functionality of the site: categories, products, orders, users, pages, track analyticsetc.

As a result, you are a PHP programmer with experience and cool work in your portfolio!

A lot of experience is guaranteed. By repeating the steps of the author of the course, you will go through all the stages of writing a powerful framework in PHP from scratch and on its basis you will create a modern fully functional online store.

Developed in the course, the framework can be used for any of your purposes, significantly accelerating the speed and quality of PHP programming. Which will increase your competitive advantage and have a positive impact on your earnings.

With the final work you will be able to decorate your portfolio and demonstrate your qualifications to employers or freelance clients.

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