
CodeIgniter4. Theory and practice of website creation


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Course short description

CodeIgniter is a PHP MVC framework that is used for rapid web application development. It provides libraries for working with the database, as well as for performing various operations such as sending emails, uploading files, managing sessions, and so on. CodeIgniter is designed for developers who want a simple and elegant set of tools to create rich web applications.

Why you should start with CodeIgniter

Simple and convenient installation of the framework, clear configuration, comprehensive documentation - all this will significantly speed up writing code and write the simplest application after a short acquaintance with CodeIgniter.

Despite the ease of learning and the light weight of the framework, CodeIgniter offers the developer all the necessary tools of a modern PHP framework: convenient work with templates and views, flexible work with databases such as at the model level and using the query designer, a large number of various helper functions, convenient and flexible routing, a variety of libraries for working with files, sending mail, data validation and much, much more.

Key Features of CodeIgniter

Let's look at some of the features of CodeIgniter that really make it stand out from other frameworks. This is not an exhaustive list, but it gives you an idea of ​​what you can expect from working with this set of tools.


The entire source code of the framework weighs about 2 MB . This makes it easy to learn CodeIgniter and how it works. The small size also makes it easy to deploy and update.

Lightning fast

Users prefer apps that load very quickly. If you have worked with some modern frameworks, you will realize that they launch in less than one second right after installation. CodeIgniter loads in less than 50ms on average

Loosely coupled

Built-in functions are designed to run on their own, independent of other components. This makes it easy to maintain and update

Follows MVC pattern

CodeIgniter uses the MVC (Model View Controller) programming pattern. This is standard practice with web applications. MVC separates data, business logic and presentation

Good documentation

The framework has good documentation. In addition, there are a large number of books, articles, and forums with answers to various questions. If you encounter some difficulties while developing, you will most likely find a solution to a similar problem

Built-in application-specific components

CodeIgniter has components to ship email, database and session management, and many other functions.


CodeIgniter comes with several libraries out of the box. But if what you need is not there, or you would like to implement an existing function in your own way, then you can easily do this by creating your own libraries, packages, etc. It is also possible to create a REST API in CodeIgniter.

Short learning curve

CodeIgniter is easy to learn for anyone already familiar with PHP. In a very short time you can study it and start developing professional applications

Why is it worth purchasing the course

By purchasing this video course, you will receive a complete product that contains everything you need to learn and work with the CodeIgniter4 framework. Even if you have never worked with frameworks before.

In the course you will find a number of bonuses for learning PHP and MySQL, which you can start with if you have no work experience or are just planning to learn PHP .

By taking the course, you will:

Learn one of the most popular programming languages ​​and the most popular language for creating websites - PHP.

Learn not only procedural programming in PHP , but also object-oriented (OOP).

Thanks to a separate bonus course, you will learn how to work with the MySQL DBMS and learn the SQL query language.

Get acquainted and learn how to work with one of the most popular PHP frameworks is CodeIgniter4, which is recommended for beginner developers to study as their first framework.

In addition to theoretical knowledge about the work of the framework, you will gain practical skills by creating an online store from scratch with basic functionality.


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