Apache Maven
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Course short description
The Apache Maven course contains information about an automated project build tool that is fully responsible for the life cycle of Java applications. Let's go into the Apache Maven source code to understand its main core, which is actually plugins and Mojo (Maven plain Old Java Object).
Therefore, let's look at the main plugins in practice , which are most often used in real projects:
- Surefirefor running unit tests
- Failsafe to run integration tests
- Jacoco to generate documentation about passed tests and their source code coverage
- Release to create release versions of projects and push them to a remote repository (github)
- Assembly to package your application in archives (jar)
- Dependency for downloading all dependencies (and transitive ones too) into separate directories (many other Java applications do this, such as Apache Tomcat, Apache Maven, Gradle, etc.)
Moreover, we ourselves will try to write our own our own plugin and deploy it to the repository to provide access to it from other applications.
We will find out what types of artifacts our projects can be collected into and, of course, we will dwell in more detail on war (for packaging web archives) and jar. And also We’ll learn how to build a jar in such a way so that we can run our application via the command line, and we’ll look at several common options.
We’ll look at multi-module projects, delve into the possibilities of inheriting POM configuration files, and much more.
By By the end of the course, you will be confident in Apache Maven and have a good understanding of all its aspects.