Android Studio and Firebase - "Message Board" Part 2
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Creating the "Message Board" application using Android Studio and Firebase in the Kotlin programming language . This is the second part of the course. Firebase Real Time Database allows us not to worry about how to set up a server for a database on the cloud, but to worry only about our application. Using Firebase we write code only for our application, which can write and read to a database on the cloud in real time.
In this part we add advertising from AdMob, Interstitial (Advertising that covers the entire screen and to close it you need to click on the cross in the upper right corner) and also Banner is a strip with advertising that does not cover the entire screen. And also in this part we will create markup for advertisements, learn how to write and read data from Real Time Database. In this part we will learn what the MVVM architecture is and how to apply it to our project. Let's learn how to use the Bottom Navigation Viewmenu. Let's learn how to use the DifUtils class to optimize our RecyclerView, and also add a counter for ad views and a "Favorites" category in which users can add ads that they liked so as not to lose them. And finally, let's add an anonymous login and learn how to use the rules on Firebase to protect our database.
The course is intended for beginners who have already installed Android Studio and have little skill in this area. I explain all the steps step by step. Based on this application, you can create your own application Blog, online store, food order and much more.