Java Patterns - Design Patterns in Java Core
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More than 9 hours of lectures on basic design patterns in Java! Long and detailed webinars on the intricacies of applying basic design patterns in Java Core.
What are patterns or design patterns? These are the best architectural solutions developed by professional developers over decades.
"Compared to completely independent design, templates have a number of advantages. The main benefit of using templates is to reduce the complexity of development due to ready-made abstractions for the solution a whole class of problems.
A template gives the solution its name, which facilitates communication between developers, allowing reference to known templates. Thus, due to templates, the details of solutions are unified: modules, elements. project - the number of errors is reduced.
The use of templates is conceptually similar to the use of ready-made code libraries.
A correctly formulated design pattern allows, Having found a successful solution, use it again and again.
A set of templates helps the developer choose the possible, most suitable design option."Steve McConnell, 2005