Swift on Sundays: Volume One
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426 pages
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Book short description
This book brings together the first 20 lessons from the Swift on Sundays series, where each project represents a fully developed application, accompanied by instruction in important programming techniques. You will get 20 thoroughly detailed projects - from start to finish.
Book Features:
- 100% Swift 5.1: All projects are updated for the latest version of Swift, so you can learn the most up-to-date features of the language.
- Step-by-step learning: Each app is created from scratch with explanations of all technical decisions, helping you understand how and why they are made.
- Projects for iOS and beyond: The book covers iOS, macOS, watchOS, and Vapor, helping you use Swift across different platforms.
- Apps and games: The projects include topics ranging from SwiftUI and Core ML to ARKit, offering something interesting for everyone.
What's inside the book:
Swift on Sundays: Volume One includes 20 projects from the series:
- Memorize: An app to help remember speeches by displaying words gradually as you click.
- FriendZone: Learn the coordinator pattern by creating an app to track friends' time zones.
- Friendface: Combine URLSession, Codable, and UIKit to create a social network.
- InnerPeace: Display inspirational quotes with local notifications.
- iMultiply: A terminal app for learning the multiplication table with testing.
- Wordsearch: Create dynamic puzzles and export them to PDF.
- OMGMarbles: An iPad game using SpriteKit and the accelerometer.
- DeclarativeUI: Create dynamic interfaces based on JSON.
- CupcakeCorner: Build a Vapor API for selling cupcakes and a corresponding iOS app.
- BetterRest: Use Create ML for an app that determines the best sleep time.
- Zaptastic: A fast-paced space shooter with particles and Codable.
- MultiMark: An instant Markdown renderer for iPad with multi-screen support.
- TextTransformer: A menu bar app for macOS with text transformation features.
- SpotTheScientist: Use ARKit for image recognition and information overlay.
- WatchReactions: A WatchKit app with tables, favorites, and scrolling.
- JustType: A native code editor using CloudKit and UIDocument.
- Untangler: An intriguing puzzle with UIKit and UIGraphicsImageRenderer.
- TerminalWizard: An iOS app to help master the command line.
- DadJokes: An iOS and macOS app on SwiftUI with Core Data and gestures.
- Switcharoo: A drag-and-drop based game built on SwiftUI.
What you get:
20 complete projects, each accompanied by a detailed step-by-step guide. Besides creating apps, you'll learn about refactoring, testing, and other aspects explained during the development process.
Swift on Sundays: Volume One is the perfect resource for learning Swift and building real applications!