Design for Developers - Enhance UI 1.02
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437 pages
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Book short description
The book will be a step by step process ensuring you learn the fundamentals of design first. As you progress for each chapter, you grow those skills making your user interface designs better.
- Color Theory
- Typography
- Component Design
- Visual Hierarchy
- Design Process
Improve your design skills
Learn concepts such as Visual Hierarchy, which determines the order in which the users scan your website, and there are many ways to stablish it. You will not only learn which those methods are, but also how to apply them. Comes in Dark/Light versions!
Design for Developers! Learn design as a developer to improve your UI, UX, to make apps and websites look great! Get started by getting the book which will teach you all the fundamentals for enhancing your UI designs.
What you'll get
- 425 Page Book (PDF)
- Light version & Dark version
- 86 Videos Tutorials (All Chapters)
- 4 Exercise Workshops
- Full Transcripts and Captions
- Component Cheat-sheets